Author: Mark Biernat

  • How to make money fast

    Are you out of cash and need to make money fast? I can tell you how. Based on my own personal experience of moving to a foreign country where I did not speak the language and needed to survive, these are ideas to make money quickly.  I am only recommending ways to make money legally,…

  • Adam Smith on socialism

    The purpose of this post is to answer the question of what were Adam Smith’s views on Socialism. Some people believe Adam Smith was a socialist. What would Smith think of the world today and the state-run economies? Is it all that bad? The wonderful world of Adam Smith was not so wonderful. There was…

  • Adam Smith on Women

    Adam Smith on Women

    What did Adam Smith think of the effect of wealth on women and family? This is an interesting question as many American guys complain that American society has become so wealthy that it has corrupted women’s ability to provide a happy family life.  They feel American women are spoiled and do not make good mothers…

  • Investment accounting for an insurance company – a strange job

    My overview of  a job in investment accounting for an insurance company One of the strangest jobs I had been the manager (director or whatever the title inflation is these days) for investment accounting for OneBeacon insurance company. Insurance accounting is a strange and funny world. The purpose of this post is to tell you…

  • Insurance fraud

    The following is a series of facts and stories about insurance fraud.  It is a bit of a collection of stories from my life in the insurance world and what I have seen.  Many people are wondering what the penalty is for insurance crimes and what are the chances or getting caught. It is more…

  • Polish president – the cause

    The Polish President Lech Kaczynski went down in a plane crash with his wife Maria The news is a tragedy for the Polish nation and the world. Where was the President going? He was on the way to the Katyn remembrance, the place was the Russians shot 10,000 Polish officers and 12,000 other Poles, during…

  • Stock market predictor

    The purpose of this post if to tell you exactly how to use a stock market predictor to make money in stocks. There are many ways to approach Wall street and every expert will have their own opinion. Therefore, what makes my idea better than any expert in the investment field? The answer is this,…

  • Government Takeovers – A Road to Serfdom

    The purpose of this post is to explain in simple terms why government takeovers will hurt the poor and empower the rich. It is so simple and I have no idea why Republicans and Democrats in America do not understand how Obama’s government takeovers will hurt the poor and give money to the rich. It…

  • Expats and US health Care Reform Insurance?

    I am an American living as an ex-pat abroad full-time. Will I have to pay for health care insurance in the US ( which I will not use) under this new health care reform bill? This is a good question. The purpose of this post is to clarify the rule for ex-pats regarding new mandatory…

  • Why the Rich have Money

    The purpose of this post is to explain why the rich have money in a way that other people have never explained it. Why do I know about why the rich have money and wealth? I grew up in a fairly wealthy family in New England.  Going to an elite boys boarding school and rubbing…