Category: Politics

  • Expats and US health Care Reform Insurance?

    I am an American living as an ex-pat abroad full-time. Will I have to pay for health care insurance in the US ( which I will not use) under this new health care reform bill? This is a good question. The purpose of this post is to clarify the rule for ex-pats regarding new mandatory…

  • Why should I Vote

    Why should I vote? Is it important to vote?  My view on this is simple if you don’t vote my vote counts more. So really the purpose of this post is not to encourage you to vote, in fact, ironically I prefer you don’t vote. My view on voting and politics Therefore, my world view…

  • Reasons to Vote Republican

    The purpose of this post is to give you the reasons why to vote Republican.  However, it will also explain why not to vote Republican.  Let me say at the beginning that I left the Republican party member. The reason I left is there are GOP members who do not support Ukraine. I am NPA…

  • Who Should I Vote for

    The purpose of this post is to help you answer the question “who should I vote for”.  There is always an election coming up.  My thesis is to vote according to your ideals, rather than how a  political candidate can help you personally. Ideals connected to what creates a freer more peaceful and prosperous society…

  • Government Expansion with Every Crisis

    This post is better called how the government will make you rich. Please read on. If you think government takeovers will make things better for you and make your rich or save things, think again. Governments are very poor managers of assets. I live in Eastern Europe. I am an American. People in Eastern Europe…

  • Reasons to Vote Libertarian

    Reason to vote libertarian in the next election Who is this post for? This post is for those looking for a summary of the Libertarian views. How can you help? Please use the comment form to add ideas as a comment so I can revise this post on the reason to vote Libertarian and improve…