Author: Mark Biernat

  • Communist Manifesto in PDF

    The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels changed the world. It was a social political gospel for the economically disheartened. I have put together a free copy of Karl Marx in PDF here. I resisted interjecting my own views into the introduction of the book as I did not want to sway the…

  • What works with job creation in economics

    In a time when the manufacturing of downward arrows that are inserted in economic graphs are the only sector of the economy that is booming, it is worth to be reminded what works in economics and what does not. Basically if you watch this video you will understand what does not work with job creation.…

  • US foreign service jobs – questionable value of the US embassy workers

    Most US foreign service workers are glorified postal workers who are living out a fantasy of living abroad on the tax payers dime. I have been an expat for a good part of my life and every time I ever dealt with an US consulate abroad it was nothing more than arrogance and paperwork. I…

  • What is a good income for a family

    The question of can a family survive on 50,000 dollars a year is something I hear only in the USA. I can answer with a strong yes. Fifty thousand is a lot of money, people need to put things into perspective. What is a good income for a family in the USA less than you…

  • Free stores and the Freecycle network

    Did you know that anywhere in the world you can get things for free?  The other day I was walking though my town of Kraków, Poland and I saw a sign that said “free shop”.  I was like what is this? It was filled with nice items that are totally without price. You just take…

  • When and why economic predictions and models misguide our investing

    Can economics or investing be predicted? Of all the great economic and financial investing geniuses getting paid 100s of millions of dollars, few really predicted the crisis. Nor did the leaders of the US government or the US Central bank run by PhD economists. Political leaders understand money and markets, that is they only work if they are free.…

  • Stock market and leading economic indicator

    I believe in getting a sense of the direction of the stock market using trend analysis.  I use trend analysis to determine if I should be in the stock market or not, specifically the 12 month moving average against the S&P 500 index. However, one of the problems with trend analysis is it sometimes give…

  • How to balance the US budget

    The Heritage foundation has producted a video which explains in simple terms how to balance the US budget and how to return the US to growth and prosperity. Please watch it below as it is as entertaining as it is informative. I wish President Obama (debt man walking) would watch it. The US budget deficit…

  • Government raw milk raids

    As a political issue Raw milk raids by Federal officials may not seem that important. However, from a personal liberty, function of government issue, it is important. Further, it is  yet another waste of government resources to track down and arrest harmless US citizens and police your life. If we are not even free anymore…

  • Is capitalism ethical

    In our genes are is encoded from the beginning of evolution the idea of survival of the fittest. When humans were becoming modern between 200,000 years and 50,000 years ago in Africa, only the strong survived. This is found and imprinted in our DNA . However, people have extend this idea of Darwinism to the economic…