Category: Economists
Why Marx was wrong about Labor Exploitation
My name is Mark Biernat, and I am getting a Ph.D. in Economics. Although I focus on Monetary theory, I do touch on the ideas of Karl Marx, as capital theory and monetary theory are connected. I get a lot of Marxist commenting on my blog. They often bring up labor exploitation and how the…
David Ricardo On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation in PDF
On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation by David Ricardo was written in 1817. The Economic themes in this book were value and free trade. The book also addresses many subsidiary issues. You can download it here: On the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation by David Ricardo in PDF I recommend you download…
Michael Woodford – Financial Intermediation and Macroeconomic Analysis – Review
Michael Woodford’s 2010 paper “Financial Intermediation and Macroeconomic Analysis”, improves his theory that was articulated in this book, Interest and Prices (2003). He based this on the data and experiences from the 2008 financial crisis and changing ideas in monetary economics since his 2003 work. I have academic respect for Michael Woodford, this review is…
Natural Rate of Interest- Wicksell – Price Stability
Price Stability equated with neutral money Wicksell’s third definition of the natural rate of interest focused on the price level. That is there is a rate of interest that tends neither to increase or decrease prices. That is, when the observable market rate of interest is at a certain level, the price level will be…
Natural Rate of Interest – Wicksell – Loan Capital Equal
Demand and Supply of Loan Capital Equal Wicksell’s second definition of the natural rate of interest is the rate at which the demand for loan capital and the supply of loan capital is equal. Wicksell writes “The rate of interest at which the demand for loan capital and the supply of savings exactly agree, and…
Natural Rate of Interest – Wicksell’s Moneyless Rate
The natural rate of interest is an unobservable hypothetical rate of interest that was conceptualized by the Swedish Economist Knut Wicksell. There were precursors to this theory, such as Henry Thorton An Enquiry into the Nature and Effects of the Paper Credit of Great Britain in 1802, however, it was Wicksell’s theory that can trace…
General Theory by Keynes – Free Ebook
John Maynard Keynes’ book The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money published 1936 was a paradigm shift from the classical school. His book was a new understanding of money and markets. Whereas Keynes’ Treatise on Money was an extension of the theory of time, his General Theory started what is known as the “Keynesian…
Capital by Karl Marx in PDF
This is a free version of Capital by Karl Marx for download below in PDF. It is not just the book Volume I, that are found on other websites, nor an on-line version where you have to scroll through endless pages in your browser, rather this is Volume I, II and III in one book…
On Liberty – John Stuart Mill
The book On Liberty by John Stuart Mill written in 1859 is available here in PDF format for e-readers. You can download it below. The idea of Liberty is central idea behind our nation. The US was founded on the ideals of the enlightenment, something I personally believe in. Social values of justice, equality and…
Communist Manifesto in PDF
The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels changed the world. It was a social political gospel for the economically disheartened. I have put together a free copy of Karl Marx in PDF here. I resisted interjecting my own views into the introduction of the book as I did not want to sway the…