Reason to vote libertarian in the next election
Who is this post for? This post is for those looking for a summary of the Libertarian views.
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- Maximize individual liberties and society as a whole will benefit. Do you not like to have your own personal freedom over someone telling you how you should like your life?
The libertarian party is not as formalized as the Republicans or Democrats. However, in their platform, there are some basic ideas that can be summarized. They can also be a list of reasons to vote libertarian in the next election, election 2020.
- Low taxes or ideally no taxes. The US did not have an income tax for the first one-hundred and fifty years of its existence. This is when the country got rich and great.
- Taxes simply represent a penalty on productivity and hard work.
- Anything the government bureaucracy can do, people can do more efficiently, why have a middle man? Why work half your day for the government?
- There are a pro-life fraction in the Libertarian platform (Ron Paul). They are called libertarians for life, however, they are split on this issue, at this point more are in the life camp but its too much gray area to tell as libertarians are not a structured as the other parties. The idea is if you take a life, you are denying that life liberty.
- Free speech
- They are the closest to the original founding father’s idea of the United States. Each person should fend for themselves with the idea of rugged individualism as a guiding principle.
- Free speech including free Internet.
- Free religion and reduced IRS monitoring of religious organizations.
- No draft registration.
- Gender free marriages.
- Privatization of Social security and Medicare and Medicaid. These mandatory payments represent most of the budget and the deficit and the reason the US has any debt and not a surplus.
- Mandatory payments in the future will drive the US to bankruptcy and out children will have to pay for the party bureaucrats of our generation are having (average US worker makes about 41k a year while the average government worker makes 71k a year).
- Elimination of the social state.
- Voluntary military with avoiding overseas conflicts and existing only for domestic defense. There is a big difference between the military and defense. Libertarians are not warmongers.
- Hemp and other plant-related issues, Libertarians believe this is a personal choice.
The state should exist for the people, not the converse. Libertarians have a small representation in the US as we have a two-party system and there is little room for minority representation, like in the European parliamentary system.
The government that governs least governs best.
Thomas Jefferson
Libertarians focus on minimal government involvement in people’s lives. This is based on the ideas of laissez-faire markets (Adam Smith), civil liberties, free movement of labor and capital across borders, including immigration and non-interventionism in foreign policy that respects freedom of trade and travel for all nations.
Why I am not a libertarian
I personally like the idea of Libertarian-ism however, the life issue is a critical issue for me. Libertarians are too lose on this issue and lose votes. Nothing is more important than defending the rights of the innocent.
Further, Plato talked about this same issue. In a state there is a balance between liberty and equality. I the center is justice. Liberty is not the ultimate good. You can not and should not allow children to drink or have guns. There is a balance of liberty that has to be maintained.
We live in a post enlightenment bias on the individual and some of our laws get out of whack.
Libertarian – Republican connection
Ironically although Libertarians are similar to Republicans, yet with two major differences.
- GOP is an eternal overseas war party and the military welfare state. Republicans to not appreciate the drain on votes that would have ordinarily gone to the Republican party.
- GOP is pro-life.
The last issue is the deal-breaker. The military is a large inefficient redistribution and redirection of income and production for a questionable constitutional stance, read Article 8 of the US constitution. However, that is nothing compared to the protection of a baby’s life, which is the most important.
There are about 1/4 million Libertarian voters in the USA that are registered. They usually get about 1/2 million votes or about .5% of the voters.
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