Reasons to Vote Republican

The purpose of this post is to give you the reasons why to vote Republican.  However, it will also explain why not to vote Republican.  Let me say at the beginning that I left the Republican party member. The reason I left is there are GOP members who do not support Ukraine. I am NPA or non-affiliated. I have voted both Democrat and Libertarian.   I do not want to let my views influence your choice of how to vote. Let’s first look at the issues around voting with the GOP.  I want to be as objective as possible.

The world is a war of ideas – Schopenhauer

Top reasons to vote Republican

  • Republicans believe in small government. I am a college Professor who teaches economics. Let the markets work or we will be on the Road to Serfdom (Hayek). Here is some evidence:
  • Republicans believe in low taxes. Who knows how to spend your earnings better, you or the government? Think about this. You do not want to be ‘working for your neighbor’s wife’ (William Bradford, Plymouth Colony Governor). Empirical evidence the relationship between economic growth and taxes
  • Republicans believe small and big business translates to higher pay for you. In a market economy businesses generate earnings that go into wages, retained earnings for investment, and general wealth creation.  Countries that lower taxes generally do better.
  • Republicans are pro-life, all babies are also.
  • The economy usually grows under Republican administrations if you factor out war (which is not real growth, and government transfer of wealth).
  • Republicans are legal as opposed to illegal immigration. My wife immigrated legally and it was a long process. Would you let someone into your personal home illegally?
  • Your personal freedom is maximized, such as school choice over ‘public schools’. I teach at a College. Public schools are producing generations of children that will learn multiple-choice tests, called standards. Home Scholars and parochial schools are light years ahead. Here is some evidence: Home school versus public schools
  • Republicans believe like George Washington did, that this Republic needs religion and morals and unity to stay strong. Read Washington’s Farewell Address. My family lived under communism, and the objective was to replace the Divine with the state bureaucracy.  It is freedom of religion not freedom from religion.
  • Republicans are closer to the ideals of the constitution. US Constitution
  • The #1 reason many people vote GOP is, as imperfect as the GOP is, the alternative would destroy the American dream. When governments control the economy this is what happens: What life looks like under socialism My family lived through this.

Why not vote Republican

Now, look at some of the reasons why people do not vote Republican.

  • Republicans are light on environmental issues. I am a global warming skeptic to some extent, but some climate change is real, based on our data. However, we do not know if humans cause 1% or this or 99% of this or even if this change is bad. However, less pollution, a public good, is a reasonable goal as it has externalities that affect individuals not connected to the production process.
  • Republicans do not restrict guns. In places, with gun control, there are fewer gun incidences. It is my premise that a percentage of the population is unstable. Assault weapons should not be allowed, guns for people to hunt on their homesteads yes, but anti-tank rockets, flamethrowers, bazookas, and assault weapons are not in the U.S. Constitution. Some people are just unstable and data shows protective use is outweighed by accidental or unstable minds for some types of weapons.
  • Republicans often favor the military and imperialism. Mercantilism of the British Empire was the paradigm shift the American Revolution was about. Now with 800 military bases around the world in 150 countries, we emulate the idea we rebelled against.  We could triple homeland security and the national guard and police at home and bring the military to 10% of current spending. The result would be our country would be paved with gold because there would be less crowding out of the private investment. We spend over half of our disposable income on weapons, what if we spent a fraction of that on childhood cancer for example? The issue is Democrats spend on the military just the same.  So this is really a neutral point. The founding fathers warned against standing armies as they did not want us to be like Rome or the British empire.  Five Star General and President Eisenhower warned about this misallocation of resources. Peace is the answer for humanity and the US
  • Establishment Republicans are influenced by special interest like, business as much as the Democrats. For example, they support GMO food companies which means your family consumes more pesticides, also military companies, which are let’s be honest, merchants of death. However, the Democratic party has its own special interests including the military. Therefore this is a neutral point.
  • The Republicans are wheelers and dealers like any other political party. This is a neutral point.
Democrat VS. GOP why
I am a skeptic but humans affect the balance of the environment.

Where Republicans, Democrats, and Independents are equal

No party in the United States of America cares about the debt enough to pass a balanced budget amendment to the constitution of the United States.

The GOP tells a convenient story we can grow out of it, and the Democrats do not have a plan for this except taxing the productive. They will increase spending and taxes which slows economic growth for every demographic. Therefore, both parties fall short. That being said read on, as when placed on a scale, there is a clear winner as all issues do not have equal weight.

If you want an economic stimulus to balance the budget and cut Federal spending. This is the opposite of what you have learned from Economic textbooks on the Great Depression of the 1930s. However, government competes with the private sector for scarce resources and this slows market corrections back to equalirbium. That is why the Great Depression and the Great Recession lasted over a decade.

With the Pros and Cons of conservatism – freedom is the best choice to the alternatives

At first glance, it looks like there are as many negatives as positives with regards to the Republican party. However, there is one main reason to vote Republican. However, I agree with the GOP’s underlying premise that:

The government that governs least governs best.

The whole idea of the USA is based on John Locke, Jefferson, Madison, Washington and the enlightenment philosophers that saw the tyranny of big government and how the government will abuse power. It is crazy that people in this modern world with all of history as a testimonial believed that government is the solution.

Government is the problem – Ronald Reagan

If there is one non-Republican that disagrees let them speak. This history of mankind has been a tale of oppressive governments from the kings and queens of old to feudalism to communism. It is only in America today do we have the chance for freedom.

In this spirit, generally, Republicans are more connected with the origin of the United States in terms of the understanding of the founding fathers of the U.S.  The Republican party represents a constructivism understanding of the constitution.

What does this mean? It means they try to go back to the original intent of the founding fathers.

People need to study the founding fathers and the original intent of the United States. This is important because of the idealism that the nation was founded on means something. The idea that people rather than government choices your life course.

Both Parties Lack of Monetary Awareness

Both the GOP and Democrats and Independents favor a Central Bank. The Federal Reserve was created in 1913. Growth rates here higher, lower inflation and fewer business cycles before 1913. Both parties would never replace this with something like the gold standard or free banking as politically they need control over the dials that drive the trade cycle. However, the lack of money neutrality increases the Gini co-efficient and the middle class dwindles.

This salient point but subtle and important if you understand the root cause of inequality. That is, with monetary stimulus, which is the modus operandi of the Federal Reserve Bank of the US, there is always a first receiver and a last receiver of benefits. The larger financial institutions and the first receivers, the people who work in retail and lower-paid jobs are the last receivers. Fiat money is not neutral money.

Both parties have a similar stance on this issue.

The GOP’s stance on social and moral issues

Republicans represent family values and loyal to moral issues, rather than base their issues on polls.  Examples of this are issues such as prayer in school, or pro-life. Family matters and morals are the fabric that holds society together.

On the extreme, Libertarians may have a very positive viewpoint regarding less government intervention and low taxes, however, they’re very loose in terms of moral stances.

Democrats are not as pure as they make themselves out to be

The Democrats are more of a populist party. They represent a rainbow coalition of special interests. Democratic presidents often are not president’s which promote economic growth or take strong moral stances on issues.  However, the stock market usually goes up during Democratic times.  Recent Democrats have given more money to big business and Republicans ever have. Democrats position themselves as morally and intellectually superior but the reality is they are elitists and do not understand the philosophical underpinnings of America.

I don’t want to be pro-Republican or even conservative, even though I am a registered Republican because there are many issues I disagree with.  I’m not writing this to sway you to vote Republican.  However, if I put all the issues on the table it looks like the Republican party has issues that are more important when creating a happier freer society.

Issues that are important to me:

  • Environmental issues – Democrat (Although there is an argument the freest countries are the cleanest)
  • Less interventionist military – Both parties cater to the military-industrial complex.
  • guns – Democrat
  • Taxes – Republican
  • Less Socialism – Republican
  • Better schools through choice – Republican
  • Family over state responsibility- Republican
  • More personal freedom – Republican
  • Middle-Class Prosperity – Republican
  • Central Bank Monetary Policy – Both parties do this.

However, each issue is not weighted equally.  Each person has different utility curves.  I believe if you maximize personal freedom, society as a whole be better off.  This was the idea of enlightenment.  I believe people are innately good. I believe in God, which has become a taboo in our politically correct culture to say anything but ‘spiritual’.

Why I vote for the GOP
Most issues are not black and white, but this one is. All babies support life and you do not want a judge on the Supreme court that does not.

Defining issue to vote GOP

I think the most critical issue is the Republicans are pro-baby.   The Republican party was the anti-slavery party even though it is not an easy stance at the time.

Origins of the two US political parties

Abraham Lincoln founded the Republican party. It was founded under freedom for all people.

In contrast, the Democrats were pro-slave. Andrew Jackson, who eradicated the Seminole Native Americans, who were peacefully gathering Seminole pumpkins in the forest, founded the Democratic party or at least was their first President.   This does matter.

Why I am a one-issue voter. I believe in God, therefore pro-life.  One day we will be asked what we stood for in this life. Taxes and guns and all the other hot issues pale,  in comparison to protecting a miracle. And if you are a man or woman in American reading this, let us be honest feminism has messed with your head so much that babies are second to convenience. I love babies; all babies don’t you? Robbing someone from their life is the ultimate in stripping freedom and liberty from people. Republicans take a stand for freedom and moral issues.

Do not listen to the polls or election commentators or be swayed by the current culture. Vote based on your moral consciousness. I am getting a Ph.D. in Economics. I teach college economics. Ironically economic issues are not at the top of my list for voting criteria, because I believe this is a moral choice rather than a monetary choice. Money is so trivial in the grand scheme of life compared to life itself.

I have given you the reasons to vote Red rather than Blue in the election, I am curious to hear your feedback on the above. Is it valid, bias, partial, objective, exciting or whatever?

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20 responses to “Reasons to Vote Republican”

  1. Pat

    More often than not, when I read a comment made by a Democrat, Republicans heads start spinning and their response is “Liberal Obama Loving Socialist”. This is the rare time that I’ve read logic and thoughtfulness rather than head spinning and spittle, and I appreciate that.

    To me, the Pro-Life argument lacks conviction when it only lasts till the baby is born. Then, no healthcare help, no education help, no childcare help, no help with wages, business over environment, no regulation on industry, guns in a classroom with 2nd graders, low taxes for zillionairs. Maybe a more accurate term should be “pro-Birth”, but it’s certainly not “pro-Life”.

    Many many times I’ve seen an unwed mother who is shunned by her community and her church for her Pro Life choice. She gets little help. It would be interesting to learn how many abortions are to avoid the ostracism. I suspect a lot, and probably were mostly for this reason before abortions became legal and were performed in back alleys.

    So the Republican focus on Pro-Life seems to me to be mostly Packaging to “get” the Christian voter, which has worked but is shallow. I simply can’t reconcile the Pro Life argument with allowing assault weapons to kill those kids in their elementary classroom.

    While I don’t vote Democrat for just one reason, this is a big one. And not all Democrats are Pro-Choice, at least not for themselves.

    Not convinced, but thanks for the reasonable discussion.

    PS. Nobody wants big government or big taxes. Unfortunately, regulation is needed when self interest is allowed to pollute the environment, oppress or abuse other people, and direct politics. Responsible government is not party specific.

    1. joe blowwer

      This is typical behavior of a Democrat. All I heard when I read this is I want this, I want that. Really? How about working, planning, and saving before you need government assistance. No one wants to save or plan or make good choices today.
      Stop blaming the guns, it is the criminal element of people who get these ideas from the liberal media who allows these lame video games like GTA which promotes the use of guns to kill people and cops.

      Trump will stop this folly. The forefathers built this country on biblical beliefs and the help of God. Obama took God out of this country.

      1. Pat

        Actually, I don’t want anything. I’m retired and have a pension that I earned and funds that I saved. I own my own home.

        I take back what I said, I guess. Your response had nothing to do with my comment. I didn’t mention guns.

  2. Lisa

    To the republican that wanted to stop hand outs to the poor, I just want to point out that the Wall Street cost us big bucks to bail out. Are not families worth it? Perhaps better day care choices will help the working poor get ahead.

    By th way, I put myself through school – still paying for it.
    My husband & I both work.
    Both of us are Christian.
    I don’t now or have ever had any hand outs.

  3. PV

    I fear ultra partisanship. Simple as that. How is it possible, that anyone believes all that is pushed by ‘their’ party? If I love guns, and feel a need to work on climate change, how should I vote?

    This atmosphere is toxic. Even though lawmakers may believe in the “right thing to do”, they will wholeheartedly agree with their party. There are many, and many more to come, with beliefs that will contradict their party. But yet, they will support their party with no rationalization other than ‘sticking with my party’. Such an intrinsic failure. Since we choose to divide ALL thoughts by the opposing party, we cloud our judgment. I personally don’t believe everything that Democrats stand for, and see much merit in some Republican views. I’m sure others are in agreement, from the republican side as well.

    Once we automatically assign, ‘you are Republican, and must think like this’, or vice versa, you’ve automatically cut off any chance of viewing the “opposition” thoughts. So, I should hate the entire view that of Republicans simply because I want gun control, etc? No. Until we’re willing to see politicians for simply what They stand for, we’ll vote blind, and jaded.

    Anyone not willing try to see both sides, will eventually fail. If all your eggs are in one basket, you will inevitably fail. We need to see beyond party lines, and think a little more constructively, and thoughtfully on this day and age. We don’t have the luxury of sticking to parties, when we have so many issues that require cooperation in thought, and openness of ideas, and possibilities.

    1. The whole idea of democratism stems from the followers of Andrew Jackson, called Democrats. Firstly, he has been proven to and admitted to having relations with his slaves, and beating them without cause. The whole part of democrats being for Racial equality is bogus based on this and the fact that southern democrats are, arguably, the entire cause of the Civil War. Their attachment to slavery even infected their northern counterparts who, in later years, would attempt to end with a peace treaty, ending the Union. In terms of modern issues such as free hand outs, if you want something go get it, don’t sit and wait for it to be given to you. America’s job is to provide the opportunity for riches and greatness, not to hand it out. Another example of this is liberalism effecting the economic stature of European countries, especially Italy in the past 60 years, leading to bankruptcy. Anyways, struggling families have the most financial aid in most states, resulting in them paying little to none anyways. In terms of abortion I am pro life because of the liberty for all principle. This allows the fetus to have the liberty to choose whether or not it will live. For the mother to kill the baby is to enact despotism and therefore violate the American Constitution. Food for thought as we see the drastic differences in political parties in this day and age.

  4. BR

    I find many of the views from “PV” above to be similar to my own. Likewise, it is difficult to make a reasonable choice in my vote. I disagree with Cole, in that as he says “For the mother to kill the baby is to enact despotism ” isn’t really fair. Since we have no real ability to agree on an abortion issue, what if keeping the child jeopardizes the mother? Why does the abortion issue have an “all or none” only option? Compromise can work in a lot of matters if we could just give a little to get a little. Also, another item from above that makes some sense to me, why do we put so much effort into making sure the baby survives and then provide little support for a parent unable to provide that support on her own, and then complain about the support we do provide?

    1. Mark Biernat

      We spend almost a trillion dollars a year fighting wars we do not win, we could certainly help babies that want to be born and mothers.

  5. Damaliism

    Well, this is an extremely biased editorial. I always question the validity of anything if it requires an exorbitant amount of biases and unsubstantiated facts, and biased opinions in order to give your beliefs any credibility. Would this article have any worth if it were forced to stand on its own without your biases and unsubstantiated opinions? For example, the way you speak in such a “factual context” for Democrat’s thought processes, feelings, and opinions; without even being a Democrat? Isn’t that about as fair, credible, and absolutely ridiculous as a man, speaking about the thought processes, feelings, and opinions about women?

    1. Mark Biernat

      Let us talk about this friend. I do not go into detail or substantiate like an academic in this article because it is meant to be an overview. However, what specifically, which point would you like to contest? I am open for a discussion and might even need to be corrected?

  6. Holly

    I do not believe the government should decide what a woman does to her body. I’m a Republican but this is not a government decision.
    It’s not anyone but the mother’s decision. Period

    1. Mark Biernat

      A Mother is someone who loves and cares and for their innocent miracle from God.
      One who incinerates it is another seven-letter word that begins with M.

  7. Tamara E

    Great Article, BUT, you lost me at gun control! Let’s take Illinois for example; that state has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, and it’s a Modern day wild wild west in Chicago! I completely disagree with you on, “Republicans do not restrict guns. In places, with gun control, there are fewer gun incidences.“ This is not accurate.

  8. BB

    Thank you for taking the time to write this. I came upon this because I am trying to understand people who vote differently than me, and any attempt to understand that inevitably devolves into name calling, history revision and vitriol. This is the first thoughtful statement I’ve found, and can actually make me understand some of the Republican appeal. People want to spend their own money, don’t want to work for their neighbor’s wife, and don’t let people never their home illegally—I get that, and that makes total sense.

    On the other hand, the idea that “some people are just unstable” (under gun control) doesn’t well align with more personal freedom, because I feel as though we’ve shown time and time again that when given the allowance to do so, we as a country do not take the live and let live approach. A society takes care of each other, not just themselves. The fact that Republicans idea of personal freedom involves limiting the rights of other people who may not look or feel the same, either through healthcare access, LGBTQ and civil rights, and—yes—fertility just can’t match up in my mind. And yeah—none of this matters if we’ve destroyed the planet for the next generation of babies we are trying so hard to protect. The problem with climate change is that if more definitive proof is needed before certain segments of society enact change, it will be too late, so erring on the side of making better environmental choices now over short term financial gain seems to make sense to me too. And yes I realize you didn’t ask for my opinion on any of this 🙂

    This read to me that ultimately, both parties want the same—personal safety for ourselves and those we love, but we just disagree a little on what that actually looks like and a lot on how to get there. It’s a shame though—I’d like more leaders on both sides of the aisle sit down, reflect as a human like this author did, try to understand the other side of the coin and not just be a partisan pawn. Thanks again for publishing this, and please keep writing more pieces like this. It made me think.

    1. Mark Biernat

      Thank you. I am trying to be as objective as possible. I really try to understand where people are coming from and listen. Being right is not as important as listening and learning. I try to understand both sides and to be honest, I do not like politics too much. However, I do care immensely about humanity, equality, and respect for all people and want to filter the noise from the media and talk shows and ask myself what future do I see for us that would be better for all. At the end of the day, neither party is perfect, however, one party for me is a little bit more towards my vision of life, liberty, and equality for all. For me, that is Republican because of the life issue. I believe life, all life is sacred.

      I am trying to get a Ph.D. in economics from a major research university in Europe. I could throw the weight of my economic arguments and research in favor of one party or the other. However, I do not do that in my classroom nor in general. I leave that to the interpretation of the data and debate. What I do fall back on are not economic arguments, rather, my personal ideals and my purpose here in life. For me, that is to respect all life, especially the innocent.

  9. Bill Jawnson

    Economy grows more under D presidents than R. Check your data, economist.

    1. Mark Biernat

      Incorrect. The reason it is incorrect is you need to disaggregate the data. GDP is an aggregate number but does not talk about real growth. Real Growth is not Nominal GDP minus inflation. Rather Real Growth is dependent on what is happening.
      For example, in WWII which was a Democratic White House, the Economy grew. But did it? There is a myth that WWII got us out of the Great Depression. But if GDP spending was on tanks weapons this was not real growth, if people had food rationed. The Soviet Union had similar GDP numbers proclaimed. Similarly, Democrats have more Monetary and Fiscal injections. This does increase the GDP number, as well as the debt, but it is a transfer of wealth, not an increase in real wealth and production. Eventually, with a high Debt to GDP ratio, we become like Greece. There is more to the story. The Democrats are during the recoveries and the GOP during the crisis, so numbers will reflect differently as you are going from a low percentage to high, this is basic math.
      However, for market allocative and productive efficiency less government is better. Generally, the Republicans are a little less in theory and Democrats meddle in the market mechanism. The lag effects are seen years later when there is a regime change. So my point is you have to be careful when looking at aggregate numbers on the web.

      The GOP and Democrats both spend money and drive up the debt, so fiscally I am not recommending either party based on this. Debt is a tax on future generations on multiple levels.
      For example, when the government spends money to build a bridge this competes with private sector resources. That is the bottom line. This is not real growth, except in a Y=C+I+G Keyneisan Identity.

      Better than basing voting on an aggregate economic number or media #delete Orwellian collective unconscious influence is, to be honest with yourself when you are voting and ask yourself: ‘do you love and want to protect one of God’s miracles’.

  10. Dave

    You did mention guns, btw.

  11. LM

    What about Trump’s treasonous, autocratic behaviour and Republican’s complete disregard for the constitution so that they could hold on to power? Its worrying if smart Americans like yourself don’t see the dangers of supporting the crazy lunatics on the right.
    p.s. an Australian here

    1. Mark Biernat

      Trump did some good like on the life issue, but besides that, it is shameful how he acts. I will not vote for the guy.

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