Who is the richest person in the world

The richest man in the world

Update: Jeffrey Preston Bezo – if he is not technically he has the most potential and buying power.

At this moment the world’ s wealthiest person is Carlo Slim Helu. Who? Yes, that is right a Mexican billionaire tops Bill Gates and Warren Buffet in terms of financial abundance.

I was always,  a poor boy in a rich town, a poor boy in a rich boy’s school, a poor boy in a rich man’s club at Princeton.  I have never been able to forgive the rich for being rich, and it has colored my entire life and works. – F. Scott Fitzgerald.

  1. Carlo Slim Helu –  country Mexico – amount: $60 billion. His big increase came from the shares of America Movil (oil). He made his money in the telecommunication business. He is of Lebanese background and of course like most rich men a philanthropist. He is a Maronite Catholic and this is a key motivation in his life. He has six kids and married only once.  The only criticism people lay against him is he amassed this wealth in poor countries. But he did a lot for the countries also.
  2. Bill Gates – country USA  –  amount $53 billion – This guys was on the top of this list of the richest man for chest 14 of the past 15 years. He needs no introduction. The man donated 90% of his money to charity. His kids will only get one million a piece. I respect also the fact he is married to the same women.  Not some who has let this gilded fortune corrupt his ideals.
  3. Warren Buffett –  country USA – amount $47 billion-  He is the king of value investing.  He also runs Berkshire Hathaway. The man is the king of frugal. I admire the fact that he is loaded he does not live an opulent, plush lifestyle. He likes to play bridge on the Internet.
  4. Mukesh Ambani – country India –  amount $29 billion – devout Hindu and husband runs Reliance industries. At 53 he is a young man.
  5. Lakshmi Mittal – country India – amount-  $28.7 billion – More controversial than Mukesh but a big donor to the Olympics and other organizations.

The next five on the list are:

  1. Lawrence Ellison – country United States – amount $28.0 – Founder of Oracle- a bit of an eccentric, lives by the code of a zen warrior.
  2. Bernard Arnault – country France – amount $27.5 – luxury brands Prince, including Louis Vuitton, Dior, and Fendi.
  3. Eike Batista – country Brazil – amount $27.0 Mining magnate. He is superstitious and particularly fond of the number 63.
  4. Amancio Ortega – country Spain – amount  $74 Fashion businessman.
  5. Karl Albrecht – country Germany – amount $23.5 – the Discount supermarket’s in Europe.

The simple version of this list is published in Forbes magazine every year. It is interesting to note that many of these wealthy guys come from poor countries. It goes to show you, you can get rich no matter where you are from. In fact, often in developing countries there is more opportunity.

Think about why so many people left England and German, advanced developed countries and sought their fortunes in a wild frontier nation in the 19th century called America.

When asked why he came to the new world, such a wild place, Hernán Cortés replie:

We came to serve God and King and to get rich.

If I were the wealthiest person in the world?

I have wealth in my friends – William Shakespeare

I would live a frugal life and also:

  • Keep my values and faith.
  • Donate to charity and help the poor, as the more that is given, the more will be expected.
  • Continue my intellectual pursuits, aside from business and making money, for example, study languages and continue to work on my language learning entrepreneurial endeavors. Why? I just like it.
  • Have my home in Krakow, Poland but also a vacation home in Hawaii. Oh I would love to live in Hawaii, it is dream.
  • Have one company that is really focused on innovative or good for the world, that would do something like feed the world or save the environment via alternative energy or something to that affect global happiness and prosperity.

Basically I would live as I do today with some slight modifications and comforts, but mostly dedicate my life and prosperity to others. I believe money is energy. If you are given this from above you should be humble and use it as a tool for good.

What would you do if were the wealthiest person in the world?

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