Category: Politics
The war powers act – What’s up Mr. President?
Rand Paul and five other US senators have asked in a letter to President Obama about: the statutory sixty-day period for you to terminate the use of the United States Armed Forces in Libya under the War Powers Resolution Further, it seems not matter that the President did not inform Congress about the use of…
Why US spending cuts and deficit reduction does not matter
The reason spending cuts do not matter is no one is serious about them. The Democrats will push the debt to 20 trillion by 2016 and the Republicans to 19 trillion. Is there any real difference in the political philosophy of these two parties? Both sides are afraid to cuts spending. Rather they make nominal…
Government shutdown is good
Why the Federal Government shutdown is good for the US A federal government shut down is good. It is a wake up call that the budget crisis is destroying the future of our children at the expense of government fat today. Did you know that Belgium’s government has been shutdown since last year and nothing…
Democracy or Liberty – What is the United States About?
Many people think the US stands for democracy. That is not exactly correct. The US stands for a government that protects the liberties and rights of its people. Did you know the word democracy is not found in the US Constitution or the US Declaration of independence? I think few Americans know this. I recommend reading these…
US Foreign Policy is Wrong
The US is clearly an imperial power. It uses the guise of spreading democracy to justify miltary action in oil rich nations, while it drains you personally economically. It is not Ameria that is wrong, it is the way we conduct foreign affairs. Can you argue with that? It is our true policy to steer…
Tea Party platform
Tea party platform mistakes that will lose the election There are three issues that will derail the Tea Party movement in the Presidential and congressional elections. I hope some leader of the Tea Party reads this or at least understand the challenge. The three C’s that could hurt the Tea Party are: Complexity of the…
Tea Party Movement’s Economic Ideas
US Tea Party movement – beliefs and ideals The purpose of the post is to clarify the ideas and values of the tea party movement in America today. What is the tea party about? I recommend you do not read random websites, or media converge as most of these are fairly bias. They are cluttered…
101 reasons – Why President Obama is a failure
Poor President Barack Obama. A man with good intentions, but did not have the ability to bring the change. I am not anti-Obama, a nice man to chew the fat with at the water-cooler, but as a US leader, his is a (fill in the blank). For me, I think Obama is a failure. And…
US military spending
Is US military spending too high? The purpose of this post is to ask if the United States spends too much money on the Army, Navy, Air force, etc. The post will look at it from an economic and national defense perspective. There is a difference between defense and military. Miltary is for warmongers. Defense…
The 2012 US presidential election issue
The most important 2012 US Presidential election issue Imagine if you could turn off the election news for the next two years and be able to predict the election better than any poll or odds. You can. The economy is the key issue in every election.What are the key issues in the 2012 US Presidential…